TypeScript & IntelliSense in Visual Studio 2015 2016-10-26

I had some trouble getting intellisense to recognise types from node_modules\@types in a React & ASP.NET Core web application (I used the aspnetcore_spa yeoman generator from https://github.com/aspnet/JavaScriptServices). The project would compile and run fine but intellisense was giving errors such as Cannot find module 'react' and Cannot find name 'fetch'.

At first I tried installing the typings manually but that resulted in duplicate type definitions (the typings cli installs the types to the typings directory instead of node_modules\@types).

However, the resolution was simply to install the TypeScript Tools for Visual Studio (Tools -> Extensions and Updates -> Online -> Visual Studio Gallery -> search for “typescript”, e.g. “TypeScript 2.0.3 for Visual Studio 2015”).

If you’re getting similar build errors as well, you may need to add typeRoots into tsconfig.json under compilerOptions as well, but that was not necessary in my case.

  "compilerOptions": {
    "typeRoots": ["node_modules/@types"]

Additionally, tslint complained (in addition to some interface naming issues) about missing typedefs in lambda expressions within JSX code. The resolution for this was to add a tslint.json file to the project root with the following contents:

  "extends": ["tslint:latest", "tslint-react"],
  "rules": {
    "jsx-no-lambda": true

Source: https://github.com/palantir/tslint-react